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Async Transform

This explainer is meant to show you how the Async Transform Vite plugin works so that you can be confident in using it. If you want to know how to setup the Vite plugin please go to the following link.

What is a Vite plugin?

If you just want to know about what the Async Transform does, feel free to skip to the next paragraph. If you’re completely new to Vite plugins or just want to understand more about what they are; here’s a brief introduction.

Introduction to Vite plugins

A Vite plugin is essentially a small bit of code with a series of methods that Vite will call sequentially during the dev and build script.

Every function is called at a specific moment of the build and can affect it in different ways.

Here’s an example of a simple Vite plugin that is very similar to one in their documentation

export const simpleTransform = {
// name is used during debug
name: 'simple-transform',
transform(src, fileName){
// we only handle our custom file extension
return {
// we transform the text in our file
// to JS
code: myExtToJs(src),
// if possible, return a sourcemap to allow for better debugging
map: null,

In this case we handle our own custom file extension and compile that to JS but you can also use the transform hook to change your JS.

export const simpleTransform = {
// name is used during debug
name: 'remove-console-logs',
return {
code: src.replaceAll(/console.log(.+?)/g, ""),
map: null,

This super simple plugin eliminates every instance of console.log() from your code.

The gist of it is: you can do a lot of cool things with a Vite plugin and we decided to build the Async Transform to make your life (hopefully) easier!

How does the Async Transform change my code?

The reason we are writing this explainer is because we firmly believe that if you allow your code to be changed by some script you should fully understand how it changes it and what the final result will look like.

As shown in our Mid run cancellation explainer, this Vite plugin aims to solve a couple of problems with async code in Typescript:

  • Promises are not cancelable: once you start them there’s no way to stop the code in the middle of the function from executing.
  • Generators can be “stopped” mid execution but Typescript doesn’t play very well with the yield keyword.

To fix these problems, we let you write the simple and more familiar async code, and we provide a Vite plugin to transform your async functions into generators!

<script lang="ts">
import { task } from '@sheepdog/svelte';
const myTask = task(async () => {
const result = await fetch('/api/my-endpoint');
return await result.json();
on:click={() => {

As you can see we aim to touch your code the bare minimum. But I can still see the worry on your face, so let’s dive a bit more and make a couple of clarifications

What about my other async functions?

If you don’t want to see all of your beloved async functions be turned into generators, worry not, because we specifically target only the async functions that are arguments of our own task or task.modifier functions. And we were really careful with this so even if you have other functions that are named task or if you rename your import everything outside the argument of that function will be left untouched.

<script lang="ts">
import { task as sheepdogTask } from '@sheepdog/svelte';
function task(fn: () => Promise<any>) {
// your code
// this will remain untouched
const otherTask = task(async () => {
// some async stuff
// this will be transformed
const myTask = sheepdogTask(async () => {
const result = await fetch('/api/my-endpoint');
return await result.json();

and the same works even for imported functions with the same name.

<script lang="ts">
import { task as sheepdogTask } from '@sheepdog/svelte';
import { task } from 'random-npm-library';
// this will remain untouched
const otherTask = task(async () => {
// some async stuff
// this will be transformed
const myTask = sheepdogTask(async () => {
const result = await fetch('/api/my-endpoint');
return await result.json();